Do lash extensions damage my lashes?

This is the most asked question in my career …are lash extensions damaging?

If you are at our studio the answer is always No… when correctly applied by a licensed professional Lash extensions are the safest and the least invasive lash treatments available…even safer that lash lifts and lash tints and perms…

It is imperative to asses the client lash condition and determine the proper length, curvature, thickness and style that her own lashes can take; not too heavy and the thickness should match closely the natural lashes of the client.

If the clients lashes are too thin , short or frail the extensions should be picked accordingly not to create any damage. In recent years there’s been a boom in the lash industry with lash studios, franchises and techs in every corner that not alway follow the basic health lash extensions rule of thumb… never extend more than the lashes can take!

Volume techniques have been quite popular and sadly not everyones lashes can take them resulting in spareness and damage.

Strip lashes and flair lashes are also a cheap alternative to lash extensions and sadly the most damaging of all… Magnet lashes are also quite damaging if not applied correctly

Waterproof mascara is also very damaging and drying

My best advise is to research before booking a lash appointment and looking for someone that has been in the business for years.

At Goddess lashes we are known for natural looking lash extensions and for maintaining healthy lashes. Most of our clients are getting their lash extensions for over 10 years without breaks and that is testament that when done sensibly lash extensions are the safest and least damaging services to improve your lashes… besides making you look younger, give you a natural open eye lifting effect and saving you lots of time getting ready!

To explore lash extensions options and book online click here


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